Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The World of Tatty Bumpkin

“The value of …education is not the learning of many facts but training the mind to think” Albert Einstein

Speaking is a major way of nurturing ‘thinking’. Research increasingly highlights how children’s thinking is very powerfully developed through conversation. 

Throughout Tatty Bumpkin sessions children are encouraged to put forward their own ideas, Tatty Bumpkin teachers giving children open ended invitations to express their thoughts i.e.  “Mermaid is sad as she thinks her friends have forgotten her birthday, how do you think you would feel if you thought someone had forgotten your birthday?”

Sarah Gott, Tatty Bumpkin Franchisee in Mid Sussex, asked this question in a recent class she led. Below she reflects on a reply. Being a co-thinker with a child can leave you in awe ....


A Moment in the Mermaid Story ....

“I had a lovely chat with one boy today in our wonderful ‘Octopus makes a Card for Mermaid’ story.

On our adventure we had discovered Mermaid crying on the beach and, we had just found out, the reason she why was sad was because she thought everyone had forgotten her birthday.

I asked the children to have a think and tell Tatty Bumpkin how they would feel if they thought someone had forgotten their birthday?

Thinking with Tatty Bumpkin

Several, understandable, feelings of sadness were expressed.

Think about feeling 'sad' for a moment and then think of what you can do to make it better....
Then, after a think, one boy said "I would be okay as I would go home and play with my dinosaurs in my bedroom!" A lovely snap shot of a boy showing independence and resilience which Tatty Bumpkin commended him on.

As a group though we decided we would feel a bit sad if our friends forgot our birthday, so then we had to think of something we could do which might cheer Mermaid up. 

We have an idea and are feeling better!

We went on to make a beautiful birthday card with sea streamers, shells and starfish and everyone agreed it would indeed cheer Mermaid up no end!”

A card fit for a Mermaid!

Thank you to Sarah for sharing this moment.

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